Friday, November 2, 2007

Had to share!!

So, I had a pretty crappy day yesterday. We all have em, I know. I do not care for having to work for 12 hours and do report card pick up. It is just exhausting and whoever scheduled it for the day after Halloween, needs to NOT be on the calendar committee at our school anymore.

Okay, so I get home at 9pm last night and I am going thru a HUGE pile of mail. Most of it is JUNK. However, there were two things that truly brought a smile to my face.

One, I received a $250 check donation to TEAM DURNING and a sheet for MATCHING FUNDS. How cool is that?! PLEASE PLEASE check to see if your company participates in such a program. THANX BUNCHES.

The second great piece of mail was NOT the letter telling me that I had forgotten to pay my HOA dues. OOPS. Too much going on the last few weesk and it just slipped my mind....But, it was a FED EX envie addressed to me.

Inside was a very nice letter congratulating me on being selected for the MS PERPETUAL IDEALIST award that my dh had nominated me for.

I will accept my award in Celebration, FL on Nov. 10th at the NMSS Annual Meeting.
Thank you all for letting me share my glory for a moment.


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